Tuesday, February 3, 2009

2009 Super Bowl Ads were Genius! =)

Hey guys, I hope you're having a good day so far. It has been a very long one for me and when I went back and re-watched these commercials it made me feel a little better. I am obsessed with funny commercials and when I find one that I love I usually quote for about a week straight! This one below has probably got to be one of the funniest ones that I saw during the Super Bowl.
Who doesn't think that cute, little talking babies aren't the cutest thing ever? With how much each commercial spot costs during the game I would only hope that the advertisers would make them creative and in this particular one I think they did a great job of also adding racial diversity to it. Recently I've found that more and more commercials have made it a point to put an equal amount of White, Black, Asian, and Hispanic people in commercials, therefore making the U.S. look more like the melting pot, which we have been known to be called. The other commercial that I thought was hilarious was the Doritos "Crystal Ball." He acts like he is going to use his crystal ball to predict that there will be free Doritos in the future and then just throws the ball through the vending machine. The only thing that I didn't really understand about this years Super Bowl advertising was the fact that basically all of them had mostly all men and no women. You would think that since it is a football game and tons of men usually watch that they would have more women in the commercials, but obviously they didn't go that route this year. The route that they did go was that they set up almost every commercial in the work place. With the economy being so bad and so many people hating their jobs, I think that this was definitely a smart advertising move. I think it made the audience feel like they weren't alone in the bad economic times. After watching all of these creative advertisements it makes me want to change my major to advertising! If there were more clever, creative, and funny commercials I think people would be more willing to watch them and not just skip over them with DVR or Tivo. Well these are all of my thoughts for the day and I hope you enjoyed them!

-Christy Ferg

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